Technology Integration

Next to teaching, technology is one of my greatest passions in life. I firmly believe that technology is the future and it is my responsibility to prepare my students to be able to effectively use technology. Various blog posts I have written about technology in the classroom can be found here.

Just a few of the ways we use technology in the classroom are:

GSuite for Education: My district is a Google for Education district, which allows my students to collaborate in real time. While working in Google Classroom, students can all "jump into" one Doc at a time and edit all together. We have also used a Sheet to track reading minutes, Forms to complete surveys, and in many other ways. I successfully achieved full funding for 2 DonorsChoose projects for a set of Chromebooks for use in my classroom, becoming the first 1:1 Chromebook classroom in Warren County Public Schools and among the only 1:1 classrooms in Stafford County Public Schools.

  • Green Screens: Using Green Screens, iPad apps, and Google for Education, my students write, rehearse, and edit skits about Virginia history using green screens. They select their own background, record, and import the background behind their video file.
  • Plickers:. Plickers is a great interactive tool that allows me to quickly and effectively judge how my students have grasped a subject. I have used this in math and VA Studies thus far.
  • One of my colleagues and I applied for a grant to purchase a license to this website. It is a tool that gives targeted math differentiation and instruction on the student's level. They can access it in home and in school on any web-enabled device.
  • SmartResponders: Using SmartNotebook software and the SmartResponder clickers, students can answer questions from their seat. I use this to guide instruction, and have used in reading, science, and VA Studies.